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Simple Classical Report

Simple Classical Report

Go to TCode: SE38 and provide the program name say ‘ZREPORT1’.

Then click on Create button.

Maintain below Code:


*& Report  ZREPORT1

line-size 80
line-count 30(5)
no standard page heading.

tables: mara.

data: begin of fs occurs 0,
      matnr type mara-matnr,
      mbrsh type mara-mbrsh,
      meins type mara-meins,
      mtart type mara-mtart,
      end of fs.

select-options: material for mara-matnr.

material-low = '1'.
material-high = '1000'.
append material.

At selection-screen.
if material-low = ' '.
message I100(zkmessage).
elseif material-high = ' '.
message I100(Zkmessage).

select mara~matnr mara~mbrsh mara~meins mara~mtart into table fs[] from mara where matnr in material.
loop at fs[] into fs.
write:/ fs-matnr under 'Material',
         fs-mbrsh under 'Industry',
        fs-meins under 'Units',
        fs-mtart under 'Material Type'.


 write:/25 'Classical report created by SAPFIRST' color 7.

 write:/ 'Classical report containing the general material data from the table mara' color 6.

 write:/ 'Material' color 1,
         'Industry' color 2,
         'Units' color 3,
         'Material Type' color 4.


         write:/ 'Page Number', Sy-pagno,


Ctrl + S  - To save the program.
Ctrl + F2 - To check syntax errors.
Ctrl + F3 – To Activate the program.

Note :
SY-PAGNO  - System Field to display the Page Number.
SY-DATUM  - System Field to Display the System date.

Press the F8 to execute the program.

Again Press F8 to display the data.

Output :