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SAP Important Function Modules :


SAVE_TEXT & COMMIT_TEXT - Used for long text creation

READ_TEXT - used to read the long text

BAPI_OBJCL_CHANGE - To update the class characteristics. After update use
for failure

BAPI_OBJCL_CREATE - To attach the class characteristics to the object

CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT - To get the converted input value

CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT - To get the converted output value

BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_GET_DETAIL - To display all the detailed information for a
maintenance- or service notification.

BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_CREATE - Create PM/CS Notification

BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_DATA_ADD - To add items, causes, actions, tasks, and partners
to a maintenance- or service order.

BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_SAVE - To save the changes to a maintenance- or service

DEQUEUE_EIQMEL - To unlock the notification

BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_TASK_COMPLETE to complete a task of a maintenance- or
service notification. The task receives the system status "task completed". It’s mandatory

TIME_CHECK_PLAUSIBILITY - The plausibility of a time is checked.

BAPI_SERVNOT_CREATE - This BAPI enables you to create a new service
notification. This allows you to create certain fields from the notification header, items,
causes, tasks, activities and also long texts for them. Partners can also be maintained.

BAPI_SERVNOT_SAVE -To save changes made to a service notification. After this

IQS0_ADD_ACTIVITY_LONGTEXT - To add activity long text

BAPI_EQUI_CREATE - To create the equipment & then use it’s mandatory to use

INTTAB_SAVE_TEXT - To create the long text for equipment & then use
INTTAB_COMMIT_TEXT to commit the text

BAPI_EQUI_INSTALL - Install Equipment (Functional Location, Superior Equipment)

BAPI_EQUI_GETDETAIL - To get the Equipment detail

EQUIPMENT_LOCK - To lock the Equipment

EQUIPMENT_UNLOCK - To unlock the Equipment

/POWERCOR/CREATE_FLOC_NO_DIALG - To create a function location (Land
ID) with out any dialog screen.

BINARY_RELATION_CREATE - Create a Binary Relationship for two objects

BAPI_MATERIAL_GETINTNUMBER - To get the Internal Number range for
creation of material.

BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA - To Create and Change Material Master Data

SO_OBJECT_READ - To read the attachment list available in the option services for
object of the material.

SO_OBJECT_UPDATE - To update the attachment list available in the option services
for object of the material.

BAPI_OBJCL_GETDETAIL - To know the class characteristics details.

BAPI_FUNCLOC_CREATE - To create a function location

ENQUEUE_EIQMEL - Lock the notification

DEQUEUE_EIQMEL - Unlock the notification

BAPI_SERVNOT_COMPLETE_TASK - To complete the service notification task

BAPI_SERVNOT_RELEASE_TASK - To release the service notification task

INIT_TEXT - Initialize test work areas. Also used for creating the long text.

STATUS_TEXT_EDIT - System status is fetched based on objnr field

BAPI_SERVNOT_CHANGEUSRSTAT - To change the user status of the service

ENQUEUE_EXKNA1 - To lock the kunnr (Customer)

IQS0_ADD_NOTIFICATION_LONGTEXT - To create the notification long text.

STATUS_MAINTAIN - Calls the new screen for changing the status with/with out no
based on objnr field

ENQUEUE_ESORDER - To lock the order.

DEQUEUE_ESORDER - To unlock the order.

BAPI_PROJECT_MAINTAIN - Edit project including networks

CNTX_SOI_READ_TEXT - To read the PS Text.

CN_TX_PSTEXT_PROCESS - To create the PS Text

CNTX_SOI_SAVE_TEXT - To save the PS Text

CNTX_SOI_COMMIT_TEXT - To commit the PS Text

CN_TX_PRTX_POST - To attach the Script to the WBS

BAPI_PROJECT_GETINFO - To read detailed information about project definitions
and the WBS elements of certain projects from the system

BAPI_NETWORK_GETDETAIL - To read detailed information about a network
including all objects from the system.

ENQUEUE_EC_PROJ - To lock project.

DEQUEUE_EC_PROJ - To unlock the project

BAPI_BUS2001_SET_STATUS - To set the system & user status for the project

BAPI_PS_PRECOMMIT - Last action before the commit work. The final checks are
carried out here for all objects created, changed, and deleted in the current processing unit

BAPI_PS_INITIALIZATION - Initialization of the Current Processing Unit. It is used
while changing the statuses for the project.

BAPI_BUS2001_GET_STATUS - To get the system & user status for the project

BAPI_BUS2002_ACTELEM_GETDATA - Detail Data for Activity Elements

BAPI_EQUI_CREATE_BY_REFERENCE - To create a new piece of equipment with
reference to existing reference equipment.

BAPI_EQUI_CHANGE - used for changing an existing piece of equipment.

STATUS_CHANGE_EXTERN - To Set User Status for the object

BAPI_FUNCLOC_GETDETAIL - To read Functional Location

BAPI_ALM_ORDER_GET_DETAIL - Reading of Detail Data for an Order

CONVERSION_EXIT_MATN1_INPUT -input value conversion for material

CONVERSION_EXIT_MATN1_OUTPUT - output value conversion for material


FM), it has two operation modes: Open and Save.

File open dialog

File save dialog

GUI_UPLOAD - The FM loads a file from the PC to the server. The data can be
transferred in binary or text format. Numbers and data fields can be interpreted according
to the user settings.

TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP - Convert the .XLS data to SAP

TR_SPLIT_TEXT - to split the text at desired length

QSS0_CHAR_FLTP_CONVERSION - Character to float conversion

DATE_CHECK_PLAUSIBILITY - Checks the date format

FILE_GET_NAME - getting file path from application server

VRM_SET_VALUES - To create the list box with the items.

RP_CALC_DATE_IN_INTERVAL – Add/subtract the number of days/years/month
for the given input date
KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT - To convert excel date to SAP. Here the
special parameter is we can specify how many no of rows & columns to be converted.

NUMERIC_CHECK - To check the given string is character or numeric & it will return
the data type for the same.

DYNP_VALUES_READ - Read screen field values before Process after input field

DYNP_VALUES_UPDATE - Change the field contents.

WDKAL_DATE_ADD_FKDAYS - Give the date, no of days to add with the given date
& factory calendar id, which results the calculated date based on Factory calendar Id.

FLTP_CHAR_CONVERSION - To convert the float value to character value.

G_SPLIT_LINE - To split the text according to the word

POPUP_TO_CONFIRM - Shows popup dialog box with the options.

CTCV_CONVERT_FLOAT_TO_DATE - To convert float value to date

RKE_SELECT_FACTDAYS_FOR_PERIOD - To list out the factory calendar days
based on from date, to date & factory calendar id.

FIMA_DAYS_AND_MONTHS_AND_YEARS - To Calculate the days, months and
years between 2 dates.

HR_HK_DIFF_BT_2_DATES - To Calculate the days, months and years between 2

F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST - To display the F4 help values of internal
table records.

SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME - Used to display the smartforms.

SSF_OPEN - To print several forms in one print Request, for that it is used for triggering
the output device like printers.

SSF_CLOSE – Used for closing the output device application.


REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_DEFAULT_GET - Read default display variant

REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_F4 - Display variant selection dialog box

REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE - Create field catalog from dictionary
structure or internal table

REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET - Returns table of possible events for a list type

REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY - Output of a simple list

REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE - This module outputs formatted simple
header information at TOP-OF-PAGE.