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SAP ABAP Useful Tips

Useful SAP ABAP Information Tips.

How to search for hardcoded values in package components?
How to download/upload files from Application Server (AL11), without losing data?
How to display the change documents history, without checking CDHDR/CDPOS tables?
How to debug an active background job?
How to download the entire code of program and its components?

 Search for Hardcoded value in the entire package

Use the transaction CODE_SCANNER (Program- AFX_CODE_SCANNER) to identify the where-used-list of the hardcoded string in the coding modules of the package specified.

       Download/Upload files from Application Server (AL11), without losing data
While using CG3Y/CG3Z, the long file paths will not be able to input in the selection. Also while downloading, the data will be truncated in the right (after 255 characters), for each line.

Use the transaction SXDA_TOOLS to download/upload the file from/to AL11. This can also be accessed using the transaction SXDB->Goto->DX Tools.

Input the mandatory fields ‘Object Type’, ‘Program Type’ and ‘Program’ using the Search Help (F4) option available against it.

Click on ‘Copy’ button and input the source and destination file details, to download/upload.

      Display the change documents history, without checking CDHDR/CDPOS tables
For the tables/data elements (where ‘change documents’ are enabled), the changes to the fields will be recorded in the CDHDR/CDPOS tables. Since CDPOS is a cluster table, the join using program/quick-viewer will not be possible.

Use the transaction RSSCD100 (Program- RSSCD100) to view the change history of the object class defined in SCDO tcode for the corresponding table/field with their old/new values.

      Debugging an active background job

A ‘completed’ background job can be debugged using SM37 (type JDBG in the command line). An active background job can be debugged, if it is taking some time to process.

Use the transaction SM50 to identify the running background job. Select the job and choose Program/Mode->Program->Debugging from the Menu option.

On ‘Yes’, the debugger for the selected process will be opened. This might take some seconds to open the debugger, if the data fetch statement is running in the code

    Download the complete program and its components into text files
Execute the program REPTRAN, inputting the Program Name and Directory path (Folder to which the files to be downloaded).

This will save all the components of the programs (Program code, include code, Text-symbols etc.) into the specified folder.

Note: This program also allows uploading the programs into the SAP system. But for security reasons, these functions are not active.

Assumptions and Limitations

No Assumptions/Limitations.

The Summary

These methods will help in solving the ABAP related issues quickly.