Do you Know ?

Prerequisites to learn SAP ABAP.

Well , if you want to learn one of the finest and popular programming language SAP ABAP, then you need following prerequisites.

 If you are totally new to Coding/Technical part look at this site CODE.ORG started by legends of Technology Bill Gates,Zuckerberg many more to get the awareness or importance of coding.

  • C Programming Basics

You should know the basics of programming, like you should have already learned C programming basics.

  • SQL Language

You should also have the command over the SQL ( Structured Query Language) , you can learn SQL in no time at W3schools.

  • OOPS Concept

Object oriented programming concepts : OOPs is that you should know very well to excel in SAP ABAP, you can learn oops from The Complete Reference ( Java) just learn the oops concepts in that ( Well, its my suggestion I find it easy)

That's all you need to know :) , in fact if you want to become Rockstar Programmer in SAP ABAP, you need to practice programs really hard.

Known is just a drop, unknown is a ocean :) .