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Test (TestRun.htm)
Input Details:
This selection screen details of the tool are explained in detail below.
ALV: This option will generate the code which can be used for displaying ALV. User can select one of the types of ALV by selecting the appropriate radio button
ALV Grid Display: Will Output the code to generate ALV Grid
ALV List Display-Normal List: Will Output the code to generate simple ALV list
ALV List Display-Block List: Will Output the code to generate block ALV. The output code will generate two blocks. The output code can be modified to include more than two blocks.
ALV List Display-Hierarchy List: Will Output the code to generate hierarchy ALV.
Checkbox ‘Build Field Catalog using Reference Structure’: When this checkbox is selected the output code will contain the standard function module which will generate the field catalog based on the structure name passed.
If the Checkbox ‘Build Field Catalog using Reference Structure’ is not selected then the field ‘Number of Columns” must be populated. Example: If there are 3 columns to be output then enter 3 in this field.
Based on the checkboxes selected, Code for the events ‘TOP-OF-PAGE/ TOP-OF-LIST’, ‘User Command’, ‘PF Status’, ‘Sort’, Total’, ‘Sub Total’ will be output.
Example: For ALV block list option
Output: Next page.
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