Do you Know ?

SAP ABAP Programming Basics.

·    The most important thing in SAP ABAP is that "It is not a case sensitive language" unlike C programming.

            It means that all the below statements are treated same by the SAP interpreter. 

            data text(15) type c.

            Data Text(15) type c.

            DATA TEXT(15) TYPE C.

·         Every statement should end with full stop (dot).

·         Documentation in program, in order to understand the program,documentation is key.
It can done by providing “ (double quotes) after every statement.

For Example

Data text(15) type c. ”declaration

·         There should always a space between the data object and assignment.


Text=’Hello World’.    “Error! because no space has been given on left and right side of ‘=’.
Text  = ‘Hello World’. “Works perfectly!

·         To display the results in output use "write" keyword.

·         Every executable program should always start with REPORT  keyword.

            For example 

            REPORT  ZHello_World.

·         Comments in ABAP

To comment the statement use '*' (asterisk) or right click on the statement then select     "comment".similarly if you wish to uncomment , simply delete the '*' or right click ,then uncomment.

Unlike other programming language's String here in SAP is treated as single quotes.


              text = 'Hello World'. "correct way
              text = "Hello World". "Incorrect!

That's all Folks :)