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SAP Login Process

Once the difficult part i.e installation is done, its calk walk to kick start the SAP system.

Open SAP Management Console => Console Root => ECC 6 (differs your version)
Right click on the ECC 6 and Start it will ask you password (password which has been set during installation) provide password then move onto ABAP WP Table try to refresh the screen with F5 status will down to wait to run.

Once it shows run staus,open SAP Logon screen ,under systems tab select ECC 6.0 and
Login with username and password.

That’s it J

Changing your SAP password:

Open SAP system and provide username and password and select “new password” option at top left.

Note: You can change your password only once a day.

SAP Logout Process:

  • Click on close option [X] on top right.
  • Provide Tcode : "/nex" to log off without prompting.
  • Tcode:  "/nend" , Logoff with prompt.